Series A | Bienvenidos
Crowdsourcing immigration routes.
Introducing Bienvenidos, the world’s first community-based navigation app for immigration... and the third installment of my satirical art project Series A. Posing as a social navigation app for illegal immigration, Bienvenidos attempts to mock the proposed border wall and current wave of xenophobia, while highlighting real dangers immigrants face in their efforts to enter or re-enter the United States. Learn more at
Directed, written, produced, DP’d and PR'd by me. Edited, animated, and designed with friends.
For zero dollars, once more.
Selected Press and Criticism
VICE, Medium, ABC News, NBC, Canal Plus, CBS News, Info Wars, The Tea Party, RT, Telemundo,
Univision, Imagen, Star Telegram, Latin Times, Investment Watch, Digital Warfare, Immigration Reform,
El Universal, Notitarde, GoBizNext, Sputnik, W Radio, Milenio, Tecno, Listin Diario, El Horizonte, Noticias,
El Tiempo, Prensa Libre, Uniradio Informa