Series A | Pooper
Your dog’s poop in someone else’s hands.
Having a dog is the best thing ever. But picking up their poop isn't. That's why we created Pooper - the world's first app that finds people nearby to pick up your dog's poop for you. Well, not really. It's part of a satirical series, called Series A, I’ve been making with my friend Elliot that takes the piss (and poop) out of our relationship to technology.
Learn more at http://pooperapp.com
Directed, written, produced, DP'd with my friend Elliot, PR'd by me; edited, animated, web-designed with friends. For zero dollars.
Selected Press and Criticism
Newsweek, Fast Company, The Washington Post, The Baffler, Mashable, Bullet Media, AV Club, The Daily Dot,
Silicon Beat, Newsday, Entrepreneur, Hello Giggles, Daily Mail, SFist, NextWeb, The Denver Post, Le Point,
The Guardian, Product Hunt, Gizmodo, Rolling Stone